Paragraph Spacing To set spacing before and after paragraphs, click here to obtain a dialog box. To activate, select the Text tool. Clear Tabs To clear tabs for paragraph which contains the text insertion point, click here. To activate, select the Text tool. Leader To select a leader for tabs, click on this pop-up. To activate, select the Text tool. Ruler Indicates where tabs are set. To set tabs, click in area directly above numbers on the tabs ruler with the text tool. To remove tabs, click and drag off the ruler. To activate, select the Text tool. Hyphenation To turn hyphenation on or off for the paragraph which contains the text insertion point, click here. To activate, select the Text tool. Copy To copy the current tabs ruler to the clipboard, click here. To activate, select the Text tool. Paste To paste a tabs ruler from the clipboard into a paragraph which contains the text insertion point, click here. To activate, select the Text tool. Align To align the left edge of the tabs ruler with the left edge of a text object which contains the text insertion point, click here. To activate, select the Text tool. Display Pop-up To display objects in the document of a particular color or objects of all colors, select one of the options from the pop-up. Spot Colors Shows spot colors available. To change a color of selected objects or the area or line fill, click one of the colors. Line Pattern Indicates the current line pattern and/or color. To change the line pattern and/or color, click here and then click a pattern or spot color. Fill Area Indicates the current area fill pattern and/or color. To change the fill pattern and/or color, click here and then click on a pattern or spot color. White Pattern To obtain a white fill for either the line or area, click here. Fill Patterns To change a pattern for either the line or the fill areas, click on one of these patterns. Fill Pattern Scroll Bars To scroll through the different patterns, click on the up or down arrows. Line Style Scroll Bars To scroll through the line styles, click on the up or down arrows. Line Styles To select a different line style, click on a line. To set up a custom line width, click Other for Other Line Width dialog box. Fill of None To obtain a fill of None for either the line or the fill, click here. Black Pattern Shows the current selected color or black. To change the color, click here then on a color in spot colors. Pointer Tool To select an object, click on it with this tool. To select more than one object, shift-click on the additional objects or drag a rectangle around the objects to be selected with the pointer tool. Text Tool To create a text object, select this tool, then click and drag where you want the text object. To type in existing text object, select this tool then click in text object. Double-click for Text Settings dialog box. Link Tool To link text objects, select this tool then click on the text objects you wish to link. Double-click for Link Navigator palette. Posted Note Tool To create a Posted Note, select this tool, then click and drag in your document where you want the Posted Note to appear. Double-click for Posted Note Setting dialog box. Unlink Tool To unlink linked text objects, select this tool and click on the text objects to unlink. Double-click for Link Navigator palette. Page Numbering Tool To create an automatic page number, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the page number to appear. Double-click for Page Numbering dialog box. Date Numbering Tool To create a text object with the date automatically inserted, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the date to appear. Double-click for Date and Time Settings dialog box. Time Tool To create a text object with the time automatically inserted, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the time to appear. Double-click for Date and Time Settings dialog box. Hand Tool To move a publication within a window, select this tool, then drag the document to a new position. Equals Tool To make objects equal in size, select this tool, then click the objects. The objects will take on the size of the first object clicked. Perpendicular Line Tool To draw a horizontal or vertical line, select this tool, then draw the line. Double-click for Patterns and Lines palette. Line Tool To draw a line at any angle, select this tool. Double-click for Patterns and Lines palette. Rectangle Tool To create a rectangle, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the rectangle to appear. Double-click for Patterns and Lines palette. Rounded Rectangle Tool To create a rounded rectangle, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the rounded rectangle to appear. Double-click for Patterns and Lines palette. Oval Tool To create an oval, select this tool, then click and drag on your publication where you want the oval to appear. Double-click for Patterns and Lines palette. Start of Story Chain To navigate to the start of the story chain, click here. Previous Link To navigate to the previous link in the story chain, click here. Scan Page To scan all linked text objects in story chain, on the current page, click here. Next Link To navigate to the next link in the story chain, click here. End Story Chain To navigate to the end of the story chain, click here. Start Page Indicator To navigate to the start of the story chain, click here. Story Name Indicates the name of the story in the selected text object. Brightness To increase brightness (make image lighter), slide up. To decrease brightness (make image darker), slide down. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Contrast To increase contrast (make dark grays blacker and light grays whiter), slide up. To decrease contrast (make the entire image more gray), slide down. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Modified Image Bar To change original grays to a gray on the modified image bar draw a line from the original image bar to the modified image bar. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Original Image To change the original image grays to a gray on the modified image bar draw a line from the original image bar to the modified image bar. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Normal Ramp To return modified gray values to the original gray value settings, click here. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Reverse Ramp To invert the gray values to produce an effect similar to a photographic negative, click here. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Solarization To darken the gray values in the white to mid-gray range and lighten the gray values in the mid-gray to black range, click here. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Posterize To reduce the gray values in the image to four shades of gray click here. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic. Graph To draw a new gray value curve for a selected gray-scale image, drag the pencil within this area. To activate controls, select a grayscale graphic.